
How Does Your Garden Grow John Jacobson Performance Cd

12 Carols for about 12 Singers
This easy-to-prepare collection for SAB voices includes "Silent the Night" by Niel Lorenz and Ruth Elaine Schram, from their "Night of Wonder, Night of Joy" cantata. Incorporating portions of "The Coventry Carol" and "Silent Night," woven together beautifully by the original material, this gentle anthem will captivate singer and listener. Part-dominant Rehearsal CD is reproducible and a valuable learning aid for busy choristers and directors during the holidays.

45/1166L - SAB Collection
99/2555L - P/A CD
99/2556L - Part-dominant Rehearsal CDs
Heritage (Lorenz)
15/3330H - SATB
15/2490H - Three-part Mixed
15/2489H - Two Part
15/3061H - SSA
15/3537H - TB
99/3587H - P/A CD
Aaron, the Allergic Shepherd (cover) Aaron, the Allergic Shepherd

There's a new shepherd on the job in Bethlehem, but he's got a problem. He's allergic to sheep! Meanwhile, a miracle is about to happen up the street in a local stable that will change his life.

The Book/CD Combination includes everything you need to prepare and present this easy, 17-minute musical. Perfect for grades K - 4, suitable for as few as 8 children, or many more.

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Advent Peace Canon

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MP3 audioClick here to listen (SATB)
Ruth Elaine Schram has beautifully fashioned together Pachelbel's "Canon in D" with texts of "Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus" and "Dona Nobis Pacem." Suitable for Advent or Christmas services, this lovely work is sure to be a favorite!  Add the optional flute obligato to round out this inspiring piece.  Simply gorgeous!

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

African Advent Alleluia
Celebrate the sounds of Advent in an African style! This unique anthem incorporates infectious rhythms, played by optional congas, maracas, claves, hand drum and triangle. The easily learned choral parts include the familiar "Kum Ba Ya" text and melody. A fresh and original way to worship the coming King! SATB with piano accompaniment; Instrumental parts included in the score.

African Lullaby
View score View Two Part score page 8, page 9
The beautiful Ugandan lullaby "Mwana Wange" is accompanied by piano and optional percussion in this tender, timeless song of the nativity adapted and arranged by Ruth Elaine Schram. It paints a touching and gentle picture of the intimacy of Mary and the Christ child.  Appropriate for medium to small choirs, this piece can be used throughout the Advent and Christmas season, but is especially poignant in a Christmas Eve setting.  Available in two voicings (gentle percussion included in the score), suitable for church or school use.

Ale Pun

This vibrantly rhythmic and percussive setting of the traditional Spanish tune is all decked out with a new English text and is absolutely infectious. The original Spanish is offered as a performance option, along with a pronunciation guide and translation, although the piece may be performed entirely in English. Percussion parts for tambourine, triangle, finger cymbals, jingle bells and wood block are included which will add a festive flair to this exciting multicultural creative programming gem.

A wonderful resource of the new Sing! catalog (Educational division of Choristers Guild) is the inclusion of a Learning Resource Page (included in this piece, inside the front cover). These provide students with focus questions and suggested learning experiences to become engaged with the work and the newly developed National Core Arts Standards for Music Ensembles (2014).

CGE38 - TB
CGE40 - Three-part Mixed
CGE41 - Two-part Mixed

All For a Baby
MP3 audioClick here to listen (SATB)
After a brief introduction that implies glittering points of light in a midnight blue December sky, treble voices float in the upper register before the fluid accompaniment enters. This gorgeous original is an absolutely enchanting welcome to the Christ child. "Stars illuminate the midnight sky. Never has there been a night so bright; I ask why. All for a Baby, tucked in a manger, all for this tiny child ..." Equally suitable for school or church use, for mixed or ladies voices.

All Through the Night (cover)

All Through the Night

View score View Two Part score page 1, page 2, page 3
MP3 audioClick here to listen (SSA)
This gorgeous arrangement of the Welsh folk song is a perfect choice for the Christmas season. Easily learned; suitable for children, youth, adults, senior adults, or ladies voices.  The SSA version of this song was a number one seller and this arrangement was adapted for use in the HBO television series, "The Sopranos".

Also available in the "Rise Up and Sing!" SSA concert collection.

11303 - Two-Part (Level Two)
11302 - SSA (Level Three)
22943 - SSA collection
22944 - collection SoundTrax CD
All Through the Still, Silent Night

In the style of a tender lullaby, Ruth Elaine Schram intertwines "All Through the Night;" "Silent Night, Holy Night;" and "Still, Still, Still" to create a musical blanket of peace. Accessible and effective, this lyrical gem will highlight the musicality of your women's choir. Suitable for church or school use.

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

View score View SATB score page 11
MP3 audioClick here to listen (SATB)
The delightful, popular Spiritual is available with an all-Christmas text, in a truly choral arrangement.  After the chorus is sung, the first verse begins "See the tiny baby lyin' in the manger on Christmas morning!" and continues with the shepherds running to greet him in the lowly stable, the kings and wise men kneeling down before him, and the angels singing "Amen, Hallelujah, Amen!"  Powerful and fun, yet not difficult to prepare.  Suitable for school or church use.

Angels Sing Gloria
This glorious Christmas offering melds the traditional text of "Angels We Have Heard on High" with J.S. Bach's beloved "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" melody. Opening triumphantly with an original "Gloria in Excelsis Deo" passage and incorporating engaging dynamic contrasts, this selection presents a fresh take on familiar material that will delight school and church listeners alike. Available in two voicings.

Angels, Spread Your Loving Wings

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MP3 audioListen to an excerpt
The exquisite text by Brian Busch has been set by Ruth Elaine Schram in a new voicing for mixed ensembles.  This song affords many opportunities for musical expression and is a good teaching tool as well as a beautiful performance piece for your winter concert or Christmas services.  Appropriate for school or church use.

Free MP3 part-by-part rehearsal aids and accompaniments are available from the publisher.

Away In a Manger

A beautiful new setting for String Orchestra that combines both of the Christmas carol tunes (one by James R. Murray and one by Jonathan Spillman) into one complete arrangement. This is an exceptionally colorful arrangement of these beautiful carols, with flowing lines and fresh harmonic treatments, which are sure to please both Young String Orchestra members and their audience. Ruthie has a reputation among choral directors, and her flowing style will surely be popular with string groups as well.

Grade 2, scored for Violin I, Violin II, Violin III / Viola in Treble Clef, Viola, Cello, Bass, and Piano.

Away In a Manger

This rocking, soothing SSA setting of Away in a Manger by Ruth Elaine Schram is easy to learn and multi-functional. Ruthie has provided the option of using the holiday text or that of Robert Burns' well known poem "Flow Gently, Sweet Afton" making it an excellent addition to your holiday or festival program. Suitable for school or church use.

Free MP3 part-by-part rehearsal aids and accompaniments are available from the publisher.

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MP3 audioListen to the complete work
The ACDA Choral Journal called this Ruth Elaine Schram text "intelligently written and highly poetic," an "enchanting work."   This sensitive, expressive lullaby is destined to be a classic for ladies voices. The wonderful Christmas story is painted in hushed tones and gently brought to life. Suitable for school use as well as church.

Be Born In Us
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Moving Advent anthem by David S. Gaines & Ruth Elaine Schram. "Be born in us, O Holy Child, and let the light of Your love shine within our lives. Be born in us, O Prince of Peace, let the hope You bring this world be born in me..." It is rare to find an Advent anthem with such a sincere personal message of hope, trust and renewal. A marvelous choice for any time during the Advent season.

Beneath the Star
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MP3 audioClick here to listen
Christ's birth is celebrated anew with this sensitive, expressive original anthem from Ruthie Schram for mixed voices, keyboard, with optional String Orchestra accompaniment. "Beneath the star, a common rustic barn becomes a palace worthy of a king ... Beneath the star, the darkest night is ablaze with glorious light." For Christmas Eve, use a string quintet for an even more intimate moment.

Hal Leonard
08745945 - SATB
08745946 - Instrumental ePak (Violin I and II, Viola, Cello, Bass)
08747128 - Bonus Trax CD
Bleak Midwinter's Silent Night

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MP3 audioClick here to listen
Joining two respected carols into a touching tapestry of praise, this beautiful partner treatment of two loved melodies is a creative selection for the holidays. A part of the "Worship Songs Jr." series, this piece is suitable for church or school use. Optional Flute part is included in the score and adds a wistful touch.

Featured in the Theatrical version of the Golden Globe and Oscar nominated film, "Joy" starring Golden Globe winner Jennifer Lawrence.

Shawnee Press
E5296 - Two Part Treble
MD5219 - Jubilation 2005 Accompaniment / Performance CD

Born to Be the Bread
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MP3 audioClick here to listen
An optional cello obligato (included in the score) adds the crowning touch to this tender anthem that reflects the mystery and wonder of the incarnation. Specifically designed for the observance of Communion during the Christmas season.

Bring Us Hope
Choirs large and small will find this flexible anthem to be a tender, readily learned addition to their Advent or Christmas programs. The message touches on several prominent themes, making it an ideal option to return to again and again: "Bring us hope, bring us love, bring us peace from above."

10/4871L - SAB / SATB with Cello
99/3732L - Performance / Accompaniment CD

But For Him (cover) But For Him
View score View score page 1, page 2, page 7, page 8
Lyrical ballad paints beautiful imagery of our Savior's birth. Incorporates "Gesu Bambino" by Pietro Yon. Optional flute obligato adds a nice touch and complements the flowing piano accompaniment.

By Candlelight

View score View SATB score page 1, page 2, page 7
MP3 audioClick here to listen (SATB)
MP3 audioClick here to listen (SSAA)
This stunning Christmas original by Ruth Elaine Schram is now available for Two Part Mixed voices in addition to the other voicings. A marvelous lyric describes how beautiful the first Christmas night must have been "by candlelight." Gentle, lyrical music ebbs and flows to perfectly complement the text. Simple and elegant in every way, this is a must for your church and school choirs. In addition to the lovely piano part, a beautifully orchestrated Accompaniment CD is also available.

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

Alfred (formerly Warner Bros.)
SV9943 - SATB
42931 - Two-Part Mixed
SV9944 - Three Part Mixed
SV9945 - Two Part
SVM01001 - SSAA
SV9943CD - Accompaniment CD

Call Him Jesus
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MP3 audioClick here to listen
With or without piano accompaniment, this infectious rhythmic anthem is easy to prepare and fun to sing! For Advent or Christmas, with optional Hand Drum part included in score.

Can I Hold Baby Jesus?
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MP3 audioClick here to listen (SATB)
This tender Christmas lullaby by Ruth Elaine Schram and John Parker is also a wonderful affirmation of our faith in the Christ Child. Incorporating portions of "Away In a Manger" and "Infant Holy, Infant Lowly," this is easy to prepare yet gently moving. Flute part is included in the score and adds a perfect touch.

21577 - SATB (Level Three)

Add some "island flair" to your Christmas Season with this delightful Venezuelan carol tune set in a light calypso style for your Treble Choir. Limited vocal ranges, repetitive motives, and the included bell parts make this Ruthie original a no-brainer for developing choirs easing into part-singing.

Carol Him Sweetly
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Absolutely gorgeous original work that partners seamlessly with "Silent Night, Holy Night" and is accompanied by optional harp and flute. This sweet Christmas lullaby will leave your congregation breathless.

Carol of the Kings
Particularly appropriate for Christmas or Epiphany (alternate text provided), this anthem incorporates a bit of "We Three Kings" in a partner-style arrangement with Ruthie's original work. Dynamic contrasts and tempo changes bring the beauty of this song to life. Add the optional oboe and percussion to enhance the moment. (PDF files of the instrumental parts are available as a free download from the publisher.)

Carols for Solo Singers
This superb collection of favorite carols includes ten festive arrangements by Ruth Elaine Schram, Bret Rhoades, Donald Moore, Mark Hayes, Brian Lewis, Vicki Tucker Courtney, Andy Beck, and Sally Albrecht. Appropriate for many occasions during the holidays, suitable for school or church use.

35529 - Medium High Songbook
35530 - Med. High Accompaniment CD
35531 - Book/CD Combination
35532 - Medium Low Songbook
35533 - Med. Low Accompaniment CD
35534 - Book/CD Combination

Carols Sing
This haunting, simple melody, co-written and recorded by Michael W. Smith, is a perfect fit for the arranging gifts of Ruth Elaine Schram. The gospel-focused text by Paul and Martha Puckett, so simple even a child can sing and understand, is as beautiful as the melody that presents it. This SATB setting is signature Schram, as she gives line and movement to the inner voices in a way that creates both tension and interest. The optional instrumental accompaniment (Keyboard, Violin 1 & 2, Viola, Cello, and String Bass) is lush and supportive, but in keeping with the simplicity of the vocal importance of the anthem. Your choir will thank you for the opportunity to sing this work! Orchestral Score available in print or CD-ROM format. A lushly recorded Accompaniment Track is also available.

9780834182066 - SATB / Piano
765762207608 - Orchestral Score and Parts
765762206007 - Printable Score CD-ROM
765762156623 - P/A CD plus Split Track
Carols We Love (cover) Carols We Love

Similar to its predecessor, Hymns We Love, six well-known contemporary church music composers have each chosen two of their favorite carols to be included in this collection for piano. As an added bonus, each arranger tells why they chose these particular pieces and why they set them as they did. A wonderful addition to your keyboard library, or a perfect Christmas gift for your favorite pianist!

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Carry His Light
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This easy-to-learn piece is perfect for use as a processional and/or recessional for services during the Christmas season. Voiced as Two Part Mixed, the simple melody is done once in unison, then echoed creating the effect of harmony. The bright, lively work optionally incorporates the beloved Charles Wesley text to "Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus." The work may be performed a cappella or accompanied by Handbells, Piano, or both, making this a very flexible anthem for use during Advent and Christmas.

Hal Leonard
08743110 - Two Part Mixed with optional Hand Bells
The Case of the Reluctant Innkeeper (cover) The Case of the Reluctant Innkeeper

Bethlehem court is in session with the Honorable Judge Jody Justice presiding! It's the People vs. a certain "reluctant" innkeeper ... reluctant to give a certain young couple a room for the night, that is. Sam Shepherd is the prosecuting attorney who's out to get to the bottom of this case by calling key animal witnesses to the stand. Eventually it is revealed that the greatest miracle of all happened the night before, and God can always turn things around for good!

Perfect for grades K - 4, this 20 minute, easy to prepare and present musical by Mark Cabaniss and Ruth Elaine Schram, orchestrated by John DeVries, can be performed with as few as eight children or many more. The verdict is in ... "The Case of the Reluctant Innkeeper" will delight and inspire your church and community with the joyous message of Christmas!

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A Child, A King
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MP3 audioClick here to listen
Ruth Elaine Schram and her daughter, Celsie Staggers, have collaborated on this gentle anthem with a powerful message exploring the mystery of Almighty God becoming a tiny Child, fragile and helpless and at the mercy of those in whose care He was placed. "...a manger holds redemption's plan: the Son of God, the Son of Man! Behold, the Holy Child of whom the angels sing: a Child, a King! The Holy Child, my King." For SATB voices and keyboard, with optional String Orchestra.

Monarch (Lorenz)
10/3596M - SATB
30/2248M - Conductor's Score, String Orchestra
99/2156M - Performance / Accompaniment CD

Children, Go Where I Send Thee
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MP3 audioClick here to listen (SATB)
Imaginative arrangement of the traditional favorite. This bright, crisp setting is very easy to sing yet sounds impressive when sung by even the youngest of choirs. Suitable for church or school use.

Christmas Carol Celebrations
Celebrate the season by combining your musical resources with this versatile collection of ten of the most popular Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany hymns. These titles, scored for handbells and keyboard, function as stand-alone offerings and may be used to heighten the corporate worship experience by supporting congregational singing. For maximum flexibility, optional endings and repeats have been indicated, permitting directors to customize the length of each selection. In addition, hymn texts have been included so the ringers can keep their place and sing along, if desired. Set in key signatures that are ideal for handbells, yet singable. Available for 2-3 octave choirs, or 4-5 octave choirs, with Reproducible Parts for your ringers.

20/1479L - Keyboard / Handbell Score
30/2448L - Reproducible Handbell (2-3 octaves)
30/2449L - Reproducible Handbell (4-5 octaves)
Christmas Dreams and Reflections

This collection, designed specifically for the capabilities of the developing voice, features a variety of creative Solo arrangements of carols from around the world by Ruth Elaine Schram. These solos may be performed individually or as a complete Christmas recital for school or church use. The collection is available for the Medium High or the Medium Low voice.

Professionally recorded Piano Accompaniment tracks are available FREE from the Lorenz web site. Visit and search for 30/3137H (Medium High voicing) or 30/3138H (Medium Low voicing). Click on the free download link, and download the appropriate MP3.

Songs include: A la Nanita Nana; All Through the Still, Silent Night; El Rorro; Fa La La Noel; Follow the Christmas Star; Go, Tell It! He is Born; Sing Noel; and What Child Is This?

Christmas Grace
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MP3 audioClick here to listen
Inspired by and dedicated to Ruthie's granddaughter, Natalie Grace (whose name means "Christmas Grace"), this tender offering beautifully reflects God's gift of grace to us through His Son. Seeing the helplessness of her tiny, brand new grandbaby was the inspiration for this timeless piece. "To take God's Son from heaven, to turn the Lord of all into a helpless infant, a baby weak and small; to give to our Creator a fully human face: This is Christmas Grace..." Hints of "Amazing Grace" occur in the piano accompaniment and String orchestration for added emphasis to the theme of God's grace coming to us in the form of a tiny Child. String Orchestra score and parts available separately.

Monarch (Lorenz)
10/3278M - SATB
10/4644L - SAB/Two-part Mixed
30/2018M - String Orchestra Score and Parts
99/1889M - Performance / Accompaniment CD

Christmas With the Angels
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MP3 audioClick here to listen
Cleverly combining two Christmas Spirituals, Chatter With the Angels and Mary Had a Baby, with the beloved carol He Is Born, the result is a darling offering to the Christ Child for children's or youth choirs. The use of optional chimes or finger cymbals creates a wonderful, shimmering effect and adds to the simplicity and charm of this anthem. Orchestrated by Tim Hayden, a delightful Accompaniment CD is also available.

27870 - Two Part Any Combination
27871 - Instru Trax Accompaniment CD
Come Close to the Manger

This lovely original Christmas anthem by Ruthie Schram and Paul Baertschi boasts inspired text imagery and incorporates mesmerizing references to the favorite carol "Away in a Manger." This flexibly voiced anthem works beautifully either with SAB or SATB voices, and has a lovely flute part which is included in the octavo. Performance/Accompaniment CD available.

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

10/4380L - SAB or SATB / Piano / Opt. Flute
99/3175L - Performance/Accompaniment CD

Come From Heaven Above
Ruth Elaine Schram presents this energetic, syncopated original selection with dual texts, one each for Advent and Christmas. Call-and-response choral writing with dynamic contrast makes it both fun to sing and to hear! The flexible vocal texture is great for smaller adult or youth choirs. What a nice change of pace to have something upbeat for Advent! An optional Percussion part is available from the publisher as a free download.

10/4241L - SATB / SAB
99/2996L - Performance / Accomp. CD

Come to Earth, O Tiny King
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MP3 audioClick here to listen
Written in the style of the holiday favorite "Dance of the Reed Flutes" from "The Nutcracker Suite," this celebration in song is fun for kids of all ages! Combine your singers with 8 bells or chimes and hear the sounds of the Christmas season come alive! Sung in unison or in 2 easy (equal) parts, this selection for young voices is superbly constructed to teach important singing skills (such as pitch-matching) in an enjoyable way. Delightful, sparkling accompaniment track orchestrated by Tim Hayden is available as well to make your presentation delightful for all.

29285 - Unison / Two Part
29286 - Performance / Accompaniment CD
Come to Us, Emmanuel

Ruth Elaine Schram pairs the chant-like "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel" with an expressive original melody to create this sensitive Advent anthem. Its flexible voicing (for SAB or SATB) makes this piece a versatile choice for seasonal worship, and one that will be easily learned in minimal rehearsal time. Part for optional C instrument is included in score, and an Accompaniment CD is available.

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

10/4576L - SATB or SAB
99/3319L - Accompaniment CD
Deep Peace (A Christmas Prayer)

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MP3 audioListen to an excerpt
Transportive setting of an (adapted) ancient Gaelic prayer for peace. Free, expressive phrasing and ardent text make this anthem especially appropriate for Christmas concerts or worship. May be performed by both school or church choirs at Christmas or throughout the year.

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

16103 - SATB (Level Four)

El Rorro
In this attractive arrangement, Ruth Elaine Schram gives a lovely but lesser-known Mexican lullaby a tender treatment for treble voices. Delightfully simple to sing and featuring delicate dynamic changes, this carol that is appropriate for both school and church settings includes performance options for the original Spanish text, Ruthie's English translation, or a combination of the two. A pronunciation guide for the Spanish lyrics is included.

Heritage (Lorenz)
15/2872H - SSA
15/2877H - Two-part
99/2926H - Performance / Accomp. CD
Emmanuel, Expected Jesus

View score View score page 2, page 3, page 6
MP3 audioClick here to listen
This fervent plea for the Messiah to come is truly a creative blend of familiar texts and tunes that work surprisingly well when partnered. Ample unison passages ensure quick preparation of this devotional anthem during the busy Advent/Christmas season. The optional cello part (included in score) adds a dimension of warmth to this inspired anthem.

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

10/3724L - SATB with Opt. Cello
10/4753L - Two-part Mixed
99/2312L - Performance / Accompaniment CD

Fa La La Noel
"A la Media Noche;" "Deck the Hall;" and "Noel Nouvelet" represent three nationalities in this bright medley. With a quick-moving pace and pulse in two, the first "fa la la" establishes the festive mood. This work intriguingly mixes major and minor modes to keep your choir on their toes and the listener engaged! For treble or mixed voices; Performance / Accompaniment CD available singly or on the compilation CD.

Heritage (Lorenz)
15/3118H - Two-Part
15/3119H - Three-Part Mixed
99/3507H - P/A CD
99/3503H - Heritage Compilation Trak 26
Face the Cross

View score View SATB score page 1, page 2
MP3 audioClick here to listen (SATB)
MP3 audioCustomized Instrumental Accompaniment (Demo using synthesizer)
This dramatically compelling anthem by Ruth Elaine Schram and Scott Schram is suitable any time of year, yet perfect for Lent or Holy Week, or for that difficult Sunday after Christmas. The moving text is set to powerful music and will provide an unforgettable moment in your worship service. "You came into the world as a tiny child, small and unassuming. From Your first conscious thought, You knew Calvary was before you, looming. You knew Who You were, what You would do, why You had been sent to this place: to face the cross..." Stunning and breathtaking; for SATB or SAB voices with the option of using soloists on the first verse.

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

This Orchestration premiered by Faith Academy, Manila, the Philippines.

21541 - SATB (Level Four)
21542 - SAB (Level Three)

Follow the Christmas Star
Based upon the traditional spiritual, "Follow the Drinking Gourd," this mesmerizing setting is full of calls and responses to "follow, follow" and is easily accessible and wonderfully crafted for church or school choirs. The light percussion adds a little something extra to this wonderfully crafted Christmas anthem, flexibly voiced for Two-part any combination.

10/4128L - Two-part Any Combination

Gentle Mary Laid Her Child
Although this tune is often associated with up-beat, rhythmic settings, Ruth Elaine Schram's a cappella arrangement offers a more thoughtful and poignant approach befitting the reverent text. Rich harmonies and well-crafted choral lines ensure a captivating presentation for Christmas worship or holiday concerts.

10/4517L - SATB divisi, a cappella

A Gentleman's Christmas
View score View score page 3, page 5
Give your ladies a day off this Christmas season! This bright, upbeat medley for the men in your choir includes "Go, Tell It on the Mountain," "Christ Was Born on Christmas Day," and "Good Christian Men, Rejoice." Set in a nicely laid-back 12/8 feel throughout, it will be fun for everyone involved and a delight for your congregation to enjoy during the holidays! Suitable for church or school use.

The Gift of My Life
View score View SATB score page 6, page 7
MP3 audioClick here to listen (SATB)
Shepherds brought humble gifts of love, wise men brought expensive gifts of adoration, while angels brought celestial lullabies to the Christ Child.  The gift of the present-day seeker, as this poignant anthem by David S. Gaines and Ruth Elaine Schram states, is to offer "the gift of my life" in response to the gift of His life for us.

Gifts At the Manger
View score View score page 5, page 6
MP3 audioClick here to listen
Charming offering blends the beloved carol Away In a Manger with The Friendly Beasts in a delightful work for Unison or Two Part choirs. Children and adults alike will enjoy singing this arrangement by Ruthie Schram. Particularly sweet for children on Christmas Eve. An optional narration quoting scripture is the perfect lead-in to set a worshipful mood.

26480 - Unison / Two Part

Gloria Hodie
View score View score page 7, page 8
"Hodie, Hodie, Christus natus est." The familiar "Going Home" theme from Dvorak's New World Symphony is the inspiration for this glorious setting, constructed in partner song format between male and female voices. While the women sing the traditional Latin "Today Christ is born" text, the men sing in English (an original melody), "On this day, on this day, a tiny child is born..." The optional cello part adds marvelous warmth and color to this stunning, worshipful choral. Perfect for Christmas Eve services, suitable for church or school use.

Glorificamus Te
View score View score page 6, page 7
MP3 audioClick here to listen
Traditional Latin text and original music (with the option of singing a cappella) by Ruth Elaine Schram make this effective choral work a natural for worship. For SATB voices, this is easily sung, but has big impact with lots of exciting dynamics. Very rhythmic and fast-paced, this would be a perfect Call to Worship for use any time during the year. It would also be terrific as part of your Christmas programming.

Go Tell It, He Is Born

Uplifting and lively, this new partner song arrangements pairs two of the most popular Christmas tunes, the traditional French carol, "He Is Born," with the traditional Spiritual, "Go Tell It On the Mountain." Crowned by an optional flute solo, equally suitable for church or school use or any Christmas celebration.

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

10/3907L - SATB with opt. Flute
10/3908L - Two-part Mixed with opt. Flute
99/2559L - P/A CD
God's Big Family

In "God's Big Family," celebrated composer Ruth Elaine Schram has crafted a great resource for today's Christian children's choirs. Its six easy unison anthems are both fun and fun to sing and include optional second voice parts written in easy-to-teach formats such as echo, call and response, and partner song. With texts that serve the entire church year, each piece in this collection features a supportive and playable keyboard accompaniment.

Songs are included for Advent, Christmas, Easter, Family Emphasis, and General use. There are also optional parts for small percussion and body percussion that reinforce rhythmic acuity, and optional body motions and sign language provide beautiful visual appeal while developing gross motor skills. The corresponding reproducible narrations make these anthems perfect for worship, Sunday School and Christian School programs, and special fellowship events. The collection includes reproducible song sheets and (if purchased in this format) a Performance/Accompaniment CD delightfully orchestrated by Tim Hayden.

30/2716L - Book/CD Combination
30/2726L - Songbook (only)
Good King Wenceslas

Give your ladies a day off in December! Ruthie Schram has created a wonderful holiday selection for Two Part male chorus. (Also available in a mixed setting.) During the telling of this classic carol about a king who is generous to the poor during a harsh winter, she mixes the use of soloists and word painting to help the audience experience the cold winds and the conversations between the good king and his loyal page. This piece is easily learned and could be a useful tool in attracting young men to become involved in your church choral program.

Free MP3 part-by-part rehearsal aids and accompaniments are available from the publisher.

Gymnopedie for Christmas

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MP3 audioClick here to listen (SATB)
Erik Satie's elegant "Gymnopedie No. 1" is the basis for this haunting Christmas work.  The text by Ruth Elaine Schram matches the thoughtful, lyrical music.  First, we invite the precious baby to "rest, now, rest as the angels sing 'lullay, lullay, dear baby'..."  But as the end of the second verse approaches, we foreshadow that "one day there will be no angels that sing; instead of a manger, a cross for the King... so rest, now rest..."  In two voicings; optional flute part included in the score.

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

He Is Born
View score View score page 2, page 3
MP3 audioClick here to listen
This lovely Ruth Elaine Schram setting of the French carol exudes the beauty of the Christmas season. Sensibly and accessibly scored for Two-part voices, piano and optional flute (included), the natural joy of the text will come shining through.

He Is the Light that Shines

View score View SATB score page 6, page 7
MP3 audioClick here to listen
An Advent anthem with a feeling of quiet urgency, this piece would also be suitable for a Christmas service of lessons and carols. "Prepare your heart, prepare your mind, so that when He comes, you will find more than King, more than child, more than Savior divine, He is the Light that Shines..."

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

17996 - SAB (Level Two)

He Will Be the Love
The emphasis upon Divine love is a universal image of promise for the season of lights. With a memorable melody, this graceful anthem weaves a spell of beauty, making it ideal for the candle lighting moment in your Advent service. A very achievable accompaniment gently supports the voices while adding a tasteful adornment to the spirit of the piece. Gorgeous Cello part is included in the score.

Heaven Came Down Tonight
MP3 audioClick here to listen
Ruth Elaine Schram and her friend since childhood, Paul Baertschi, have combined their talents to create this charming arrangement, which incorporates "Gesu Bambino." Creative choral lines are supported by a flowing keyboard accompaniment that can be augmented with the use of optional flute and cello. A wonderful choice for Christmas Eve services celebrating the awe of Jesus' birth.

10/4004L - SATB / Opt. Flute and Cello
99/2694L - P/A CD

Her Little Child
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MP3 audioClick here to listen
At Christmastime, we are reminded of the tender care of a young mother over her tiny Child, and this lyric anthem so beautifully captures those quiet moments in a humble stable. Liquid vocals, piano and flute obligato (included in score) outline a new melody along with the beloved carol Once in Royal David's City in this anthem that adds a touch of wonder to your December worship service. Rehearsal CD is available to assist your choir in learning this piece.

Fred Bock
BG2507 - SATB with Optional Flute
BCRD2507 - Rehearsal CD
BGRD2507CP - 10-pak Rehearsal CD

Hodie / Kyrie
View score View Three Part Mixed score page 1, page 2, page 3
This versatile piece has dual text; Hodie for seasonal use, and Kyrie for general. The melody was written by Brian Busch and Ruth Elaine Schram, and is arranged in three part mixed or two part voicings. Suitable for church or school use, with moderate ranges and difficulty levels for each voicing.

The Holly and the Ivy

Combined with an additional original melody, Ruthie Schram offers this simply joyful and supremely easy art-song setting of the familiar carol for treble voices. Optional Flute part included in score is the perfect complement to this Partner song.

Free MP3 part-by-part rehearsal aids and accompaniments are available from the publisher.

Holy Child
View score View SATB score page 3, page 4, page 10
MP3 audioClick here to listen (SATB)
This powerful Christmas anthem unexpectedly and powerfully incorporates the hymn, "Holy, Holy, Holy." Its poignant message speaks of the holiness of the Christ Child and the impact of His birth on us today. Available for SATB or SAB voices, this anthem has strong dynamic contrast and a heartfelt, memorable melody. Beautiful String Orchestra Score (available separately; includes a reduction) or Accompaniment CD are also available.

10/3698L - SATB
10/3699L - SAB
30/2349L - String Orchestration
99/2299L - Performance / Accompaniment CD

Holy Night, Silent Night
Perhaps the world's most beloved carols, "Silent Night" and "O Holy Night" are masterfully combined in this powerful arrangement by Ruth Elaine Schram. The two classics shimmer with rich harmonies, and the addition of the optional string orchestra create a sense of wonder and awe at God's gift of love to us at Christmas. Fitting for worship services and pageants as well as seasonal concerts, this heartwarming choral captures the beauty and essence of the birth of Christ. For mixed or ladies' voices. String orchestration includes reduction for Synth.

10/3899L - SATB
10/3903L - SAB
10/3904L - SSA
30/2506L - String Score (including reduction)
99/2552L - P/A CD
How Beautiful This Silent Night

Commissioned by the widow of David Davenport, this setting of his thoughtful text is gentle and captivating. The beautiful text images in this artful anthem are reinforced by subtle musical references to "Silent Night, Holy Night." Ruthie's melody is unforgettable. Perfect for Christmas Eve services, there is a dual text with Dave's original poem, "How Beautiful on Christmas Eve."

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

10/4414L - SATB / Piano

Hush, Little Baby
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MP3 audioClick here to listen
"Hush, Little Baby" is a beautiful Christmas lullaby by Gene Grier and Ruth Elaine Schram suitable for use any time during the Christmas season but particularly meaningful for Christmas Eve services. The verses of the song are sung directly to the Christ-child, while the chorus is more general and directed to the listener. The events of Jesus' birth are depicted lyrically and musically, and the last four measures incorporate the phrase "Sleep in heavenly peace" from the beloved carol "Silent Night, Holy Night," giving this song a gorgeous, poignant ending that will linger in the minds and hearts of your church.

I Wonder As I Wander

View score View score page 6, page 7, page 8
MP3 audioClick here to listen
MP3 audioClick here to listen (Concert Band)
A beautifully harmonic setting of the popular carol with long, flowing lines, this will appeal to every church choir capable of singing three-part divisi for both women and men. The skillfully written keyboard accompaniment and flute obbligato provide marvelous support and tonal color throughout. Chord symbols are provided to add string synthesizer to complete the effect. Beautiful!

It has been scored for concert band by Larry Clark and can be performed by band alone or as an accompaniment to the choral setting giving you some great performance options.

Carl Fischer
CM9001 - S(S)AT(T)B with optional Flute and String Synth
SPS33 - Concert Band Set
SPS33F - Concert Band Full Score
SPS33P - Concert Band Parts
Il Est Ne

Unique partner song for S(S)ATB choirs begins with the popular French carol set in a tender, deliberate tempo. The men begin the song, setting the stage for the angelic entrance of ladies voices singing "Gloria in Excelsis!" from Ruth Elaine Schram's original "He Is Born, Gloria!" English subtext is included with the traditional French for flexibility in programming this during the holidays.

Free MP3 part-by-part rehearsal aids and accompaniments are available from the publisher.

Il Est Ne (for SSA voices)

Give the men in your choir a day off! Beautiful, unique partner song for ladies' voices (or Three Part Treble voices) begins with the popular French carol set in a tender, deliberate tempo. The altos begin the song, setting the stage for the angelic entrance of soprano voices singing "Gloria in Excelsis!" (from Ruth Elaine Schram's original "He Is Born, Gloria!"). English subtext is included with the traditional French for flexibility in programming this during the holidays. Suitable for church or school use. (Invite your high school girls to participate, and help them become involved in your church choral program!)

Free MP3 part-by-part rehearsal aids and accompaniments are available from the publisher.

In the Bleak Midwinter
View score View score page 4, page 5
MP3 audioClick here to listen
Beloved text by Christina Rossetti and music by Gustav Holst has been given a fresh setting by Ruth Elaine Schram for ladies' voices or men's voices. Hints of favorite Christmas carols can be heard throughout the piece, both in the voice parts and in the piano accompaniment, underscoring germane portions of the text and in the segues between verses.

In the Christmas Spirit
View score View SATB score page 4, page 5, page 6
MP3 audioClick here to listen (SATB sacred text)
Incorporating the spirituals "Mary Had a Baby," "The Angel Band," "I'm Gonna Sing," and "Go, Tell It On the Mountain," Ruth Elaine Schram has tied them together with original words and music for a fun, upbeat medley. This bright swing-style piece will be a unique change of pace for the holidays. Suitable for church or school use (with alternate text included), available in multiple voicings.

Warner Bros. / Alfred
SVM05015 - SATB
SVM05016 - Three Part Mixed
SVM05017 - Two Part
SVM05015CD - Accompaniment / Performance CD
In the Silence, Wondrous Love

View score View SATB score page 7, page 8
MP3 audioClick here to listen (SATB)
Gorgeous blending of "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence" and "What Wondrous Love Is This," creating an anthem suitable anytime during Advent, and perfect for Christmas Eve Communion services. Lovely flute part is included in the score. Available for SA(T)B voices or Two Part Mixed.

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

21575 - SATB or SAB (Level Three)
21576 - Two Part Mixed (Level Two)
The Incredible Adam Angel

Remember what it was like to be a child and have your imagination run wild; to imagine all of the wonderful places you could go and all of the exciting things you could see? Well, geeky scientist, Adam Angel, is a dreamer, and with just that kind of imagination, every single day he dreams of adventure and fame, fancying himself as everything from an archaeologist to a race car driver. He has lost the true meaning of Christmas, and doesn't find it until he dreams of being the angel that announces the birth of Jesus!

This delightful children's musical, from creators Mark Cabaniss and Ruthie Schram, will take you on Adam's journey as he becomes that angel. It is filled with wonderful new music and traditional carols. The message is clear, during the Christmas season and all through the year, we are ALL incredible in God's eyes!

Easily prepared and presented, this 19-minute reproducible musical will take your young singers (and your congregation) on a unique and entertaining trip to the heart of Christmas. Perfectly suited for grades K - 4.

Jubilate (Alfred Music)
080689482175 - Directors Resource Kit
080689856228 - Listening CD
080689482175M - Accompaniment CD
080689782725 - Bulk CD (10 pak)
080689579363 - CD Preview Pack

Infant Holy
Ruth Elaine Schram has created a gorgeous melding of the beloved carols "Infant Holy, Infant Lowly" and "Silent Night" in a gentle arrangement that is equally suited for both church and school use. A gentle, worshipful contrast, it will bring moments of beauty and reflection to any seasonal worship service. Available for SATB, SSA, or Two-part Choirs.

Heritage (Lorenz)
15/2789H - SATB
15/2790H - SSA
15/2791H - Two-part
99/2774H - Performance/Accompaniment CD

An Invitation for Advent
Beckoning for Emmanuel to "come and set us free," this anthem for Advent combines original music and text with the beloved Advent hymn, "O Come, O Come Emmanuel." Optional egg shakers and a stirring piano accompaniment enhance the sense of longing with its gentle and continuous rhythmic drive. Words and Music by Ruth Elaine Schram, arranged by Douglas Nolan.

Shawnee Press
35029815 - Unison/opt. 2-Part Treble
35030978 - SAB
35029822 - Celebration Trax A/P CD
It Was For Me

View score View SATB score page 5, page 6
MP3 audioClick here to listen (SATB)
Welcome the Child of Christmas with this light, lyrical anthem, reminding us that every miracle that surrounded the birth of Christ was as much for us as it was for the people of that day. "Celestial glory, the star so bright, the old, old story, the silent night, the sweet Redeemer Child who would change the world; it was all for me..."

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

It's Christmas Everywhere (cover) It's Christmas Everywhere

This multicultural delight is an around-the-world celebration of Christmas, exploring carols and traditions from Germany, Japan, Australia, Africa, Mexico, Canada, and Spain.

A marvelous budget-stretcher, this book includes vocal/piano scores, reproducible vocal parts, narrations, and a Performance/Accompaniment CD. Approximately 25-30 minutes in length, it is equally suitable for school or church use.

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It's So Still in Bethlehem

This tender pairing of two beloved carols ("Still, Still, Still" and "O Little Town of Bethlehem") features a flowing piano accompaniment with optional use of handchimes. Gentle melodies and harmonies that tie the two carols together add beauty, depth and character.

Available in a variety of voicings to meet the needs of most any ensemble, it makes a wonderful Christmas selection in both school and church settings.

Choristers Guild
CGE260 - SSA
CDE262 - SAB
CGE263 - Two-part

Jeannette Isabella
View score View score page 1, page 2
MP3 audioClick here to listen
Tender and expressive setting of the familiar French carol may be sung in French, English, or a combination. Its soaring melody is paired with a running accompaniment as Jeannette Isabella hurries to the manger. Arranged for ladies voices, suitable for church or school use.

Jesus Is Our Christmas Peace

Strains of "Still, Still, Still" open this gently expressive anthem, weaving in and out of the texture as the text offers an ardent prayer for the Prince of Peace to bring peace to a world beset by turmoil. Ruth Elaine Schram and Paul Baertschi give us gorgeous new music with delightful harmonic surprises in this easily prepared anthem suitable for the Advent and Christmas seasons. Absolutely beautiful for Christmas Eve services.

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

Jesus, Christmas Treasure

MP3 audioClick here to listen
These beautiful melodies and inspired lyrics, artfully crafted by Ruth Elaine Schram, will enhance any yuletide worship experience. Vocalists and accompanists alike will embrace the lush musical settings, and congregations will be equally moved by these musical renditions that anticipate and celebrate the birth of the Messiah. This versatile resource includes an accompaniment CD for rehearsal or performance purposes. Optional String Synth keyboard parts are also included on the CD as data files, providing a creative performance option when used with the piano accompaniment. (These files are also available as a free download from the publisher.)

In addition to the ten Accompaniment Tracks, two bonus tracks are included: "Hear the Angels Sing" (full orchestration by Stan Pethel recorded with live instruments) and "Holy Night, Silent Night" (medley of "Silent Night" and "O Holy Night," orchestrated by Ruth Elaine Schram, recorded with live String Orchestra).

30/2596L - Medium Voice / Piano & Synth

Jesus, Light of the World Has Come
This original Christmas anthem has both a Flute (or Violin) and Cello obligato (included in score) and incorporates the refrain of the familiar carol, "O Come, All Ye Faithful." With a celebratory piano accompaniment that has both life and energy, this arrangement will be one your ensemble truly enjoys. Accompaniment CD available.

Jesus, Precious Treasure (cover) Jesus, Precious Treasure

This vocal soloist collection is filled with heart-felt songs of devotion to Jesus and hymns that focus on His Name. The varied seasonal themes ensure that this resource will be used throughout the church year with songs suitable for Advent/Christmas, Lent, Stewardship Emphases, and general services. Versatile, it includes optional synthesizer parts to provide a sparkling performance option when used with the piano accompaniment.

An accompaniment CD is included for rehearsal or performance purposes, and it contains two bonus tracks: a live orchestral accompaniment to "His Hands," and a live string accompaniment to "Christmas Grace."

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Joy in Judea
View score View score page 1, page 2
Lively Christmas anthem by David Davenport and Ruth Elaine Schram, depicting the joy, hope and love brought to the world by the arrival of the Christ-child.

10/2338LA - SATB
10/2535LA - SAB
10/2665K - Two Part

Joy to the Whole World
View score View SATB score page 1, page 2
MP3 audioClick here to listen (SATB)
Winning mixture of "Joy to the World" and "He's Got the Whole World In His Hands," suitable for church or school use. The song starts off in 4/4 with a bit of a swing, but for the third verse ("He's got the tiny baby...") it slows to 3/4 and goes to even eighths, while the accompaniment plays portions of "Brahm's Lullaby" and "Rock-a-bye Baby." The tempo picks back up for the fourth verse and a strong ending. The accompaniment CD is orchestrated by Steve Herold.

19136 - Unison / Two Part (Level One)
19137 - Accompaniment CD
The Last Noel (cover) The Last Noel

The baby Jesus is born in the last place on earth you'd expect to find God's son - behind the last stable door on the left at the Last Resort Inn! This delightful Christmas story is told from the animals' point of view. All of the animal characters - Donkey Jody, Cowsandra and Cowdy, Shiloh and Woolian Sheep and Camel Lot soon realize that despite their humble status, God has a very special place for them in Bethlehem at the Last Resort Inn!

Suitable for Grades K-6, perfect for Sunday School programs or as a Church School Christmas musical. Approximately 20 minutes in length; easy to prepare with familiar melodies. Delightfully orchestrated by Tim Hayden.

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Let Hope Be Our Light
This tender Advent affirmation is a delicate reminder of the hope we hold in the promises of God. Ideal for the lighting of the hope candle, this piece joins last year's best-selling anthem, "Light a Candle for Peace" (A8771) in a series of Advent pieces by Ruth Elaine Schram in a beautiful progression leading to the manger. The gentle flute obbligato (included in score) adds a magic touch to the timbre of the song.

Listen to the Lambs
View score View score page 4, page 5
Unique Christmas song, capturing the naivete of gentle, simple lambs who recognize the voice of God in a baby's cry; who see not an infant, but their creator lying in the manger.  Portions of "Away in a Manger" are woven throughout to enhance the innocence of this child-like faith.  The lines sung by "the lambs" are designed to be performed by a children's choir, but would also be effective sung by a small ensemble, child or adult soloist, or a few sopranos.

Little Children, Wake and Listen

This traditional French carol begins with the proclamation of "Noel" and is followed by elegant unison and 2 part writing. A lilting piano accompaniment supports the voices, and the shimmer of optional bells is sprinkled throughout. A gorgeous selection for the holidays, suitable for church or school use.

Accompaniment CD available on the Piano Trax Compilation CD for 2013.

Shawnee Press
HL 35028771 - Two-Part / Piano with Opt. Bells
HL 35028580 - Accompaniment CD (Compilation)

A Little Night Caroling
View score View score page 6, page 10
MP3 audioClick here to listen
This beautifully and skillfully blended medley of "O Holy Night," "Silent Night," and "All Through the Night" will stir hearts and minds, back to the night when the angels sang and peace was promised to our world. Lush choral harmonies are supported by a lyrical piano accompaniment. Suitable for church (especially meaningful for Christmas Eve) or school use.

The Living Light (cover) The Living Light

A Dramatic Musical experience for the Christmas season tells the story of Christ's birth and examines various reactions to His arrival. Accessible and within the capabilities of any size church or music program, available SATB or SAB. Small Orchestra parts are available separately (strings, winds, and light percussion, all optional) which will not overwhelm even a small choir.

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Looking For the Light
View score View score page 1, page 2, page 3
If you're looking for an Advent anthem to express a feeling of joyous expectation, look no further than this upbeat, contemporary selection.  Sing this with or without piano, but be sure to use the pizzicato string bass, and triangle to tell the world that something wonderful is about to happen!  Layered vocals, tight rhythms, cool harmonies - this song is bursting with fun.

Hal Leonard
08744209 - SATB / Percussion (opt. a cappella)
08744228 - Accompaniment CD

Lord of the Stars
A rich, soulful melody enhances the air of mystery and wonder in this expressive anthem for Advent. Written in a minor key, the piece prayerfully asks, "When will You come to us?" The well-crafted piece also incorporates the beloved hymn, "O Come, O Come Emmanuel" that heightens the sense of yearning for the coming of the Messiah.

Lord's a-Coming, We're Awaiting
View score View score page 1, page 5
MP3 audioClick here to listen
The expectation of the season is expertly set up by a rhythmic ostinato as the title of this piece is chanted throughout. Ruthie has skillfully captured the Southern Gospel sound in the simple, yet effective four-part writing and the idiomatic accompaniment of this well-wrought selection. Fun, upbeat Accompaniment CD is also available.

Love's Pure Light
View score View score page 3, page 4
MP3 audioClick here to listen
The quiet simplicity of Christ's birth is delicately captured in this tender original anthem and rich Herb Frombach text, beautifully set to music by Ruth Elaine Schram, and enhanced by the optional flute part (included in score). An accompaniment CD is also available.

10/3711L - SATB, with opt. Flute
99/2302L - Performance / Accompaniment CD

MP3 audioClick here to listen
Delicately arranged from beginning to end, "Lullaby" combines an adaptation of the traditional Welsh "Suo Gan" text with "All Through the Night." Gorgeous accessible vocal lines are supported by a flowing accompaniment, all of which can be enhanced by the use of optional descant. The Flute obbligato adds a crowning touch to this lovely piece. Ruthie Schram has created a charming and versatile setting for children's or adult treble voices. Besides being suitable for Christmas, this would be a beautiful selection for Baptism or Child Dedication services.

10/4043L - Two-part Treble / Descant
Lullaby On the Wind

View score View Three Part Mixed score page 5, page 6
MP3 audioClick here to listen (Three Part Mixed)
In the hushed silence of Bethlehem we are drawn to a simple stable by the lullaby of a new mother mingled with sounds of a baby's soft cry. This tender moment is beautifully depicted with original music incorporating portions of Franz Gruber and Joseph Mohr's "Silent Night" in a tender lullaby that will leave your audience breathless. Sensitive and artistically done. Add wind chimes (each time "Silent Night" is introduced) for an unforgettable effect!

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

Heritage (Lorenz)
15/3036H - SATB / Piano
15/1763H - Three Part Mixed / Piano
15/1764H - Two Part / Piano
99/1749H - Heritage Accompaniment CD #15 (Multi-song)
Lullay Alleluia

View score View SSA score page 6, page 7, page 8
MP3 audioClick here to listen (SSA)
MP3 audioClick here to listen (SATB)
This gorgeous melding of two beloved carol tunes, "Lullay My Liking" and "The Coventry Carol," features an original text and provides a beautiful and worshipful Christmas lullaby for treble or ladies voices. Artful dynamics rise and fall with the melodic lines, then crescendo to a joyful alleluia. The cello obbligato truly enhances this stunning setting. Available for Two Part or SSA voices; Accompaniment CD available. Suitable for church or school use. This anthem also appears in the SSA collection Six Anthems for Women's Voices and would make a lovely trio or small ensemble piece.

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

Heritage (Lorenz)
15/2627H - SATB, with opt. Cello
15/2386H - Two Part, with opt. Cello
15/2418H - SSA, with opt. Cello
45/1158L - SSA Collection
99/2257H - Performance / Accompaniment CD

Lullay, Infant Holy
A gentle pairing of two beloved Christmas carols, the Polish carol "Infant Holy, Infant Lowly" and the English "Coventry Carol." Together they create a lovely lullaby setting for the celebration of the birth of the Christ Child. This gentle piece will set up a moment of quiet reflection and introspection in your Worship Service during the Christmas season. Suitable for Youth Choirs or Children's Choirs (or Adult Choirs) in mixed and treble settings.

Choristers Guild
CGE223 - Three-part Mixed / SAB
CGE224 - Two-part
CGECD90 - Performance/Accompaniment CD

View score View score page 3, page 4
MP3 audioClick here to listen
Ruth Elaine Schram has written a setting of the Magnificat that brings to life this beautiful text for children and young singers that also works well with adults.  Written with a clear understanding of the developing voice, this memorable tune will be a favorite of any age group.  Lovely flute part is included in the score.

0-8006-7668-8 - Two Part Any Combination

Magnify the Lord
View score View score page 1, page 2
MP3 audioClick here to listen
Lush setting of two beloved scripture passages: Psalm 34:3 (Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together.) and Luke 1:46-54 (the Magnificat, as spoken by Mary). The two passages are woven seamlessly and complement one another beautifully.  A unique and beautiful selection any time during the Christmas season, especially Christmas Eve.

Carl Fischer
CM8668 - SAB
VF8 - Included in "They Could Not" Solo Collection

Mary Had a Baby! Amen!
With a light swing touch, this selection will have toes tapping and hands clapping. A true celebration of the Christmas birth, this anthem soars to a satisfying and dynamic conclusion. Delightful!

May We Enter the Stable?
View score View score page 1, page 2
Lovely song by Gene Grier, arranged by Ruth Elaine Schram for mixed voices. Incorporates the traditional "Polish Lullaby" (words translated by George Evans) and has optional flute part included in the score.

Medieval Noel
View score View score page 1, page 2
MP3 audioClick here to listen
Combining "Masters In This Hall," "Pat-a-Pan," and "Sing We Now of Christmas," Ruthie Schram arranges these medieval carols in a stunning partner song combination that can be sung accompanied or a cappella.  This spectacular arrangement boasts madrigal style articulation of both text and vocal line, as well as intervallic reinforcement of the period.  The three carols, individually introduced thematically, become one beautiful canon in the closing section.  This is perfect for Madrigal Dinners, Medieval Christmas celebrations, or any holiday concert.  Suitable for church or school use.

Miracle at the Christmas Cafe

Welcome to Bethlehem and the Christmas Cafe, where Polly Porkchop and Mac N. Cheese serve up some home cooking and tell "The Greatest Story Ever Told" that happened right up the street not long ago! Easily prepared and presented, this funny and touching reproducible musical by Mark Cabaniss and Ruth Elaine Schram can be performed by large and small children's choirs alike. Orchestrated by John DeVries; presentation time approximately 20 minutes.

Watch the Digital Reading Session with Ruth Elaine Schram and Mark Cabaniss here!

42943 - Director's Score
42942 - InstruTrax CD
42940 - Preview Pack
42941 - Listening CD
42944 - Director's Kit
42945 - Bulk CDs (10 listening CD pack)

More Than a Baby
This contemporary ballad is stunning! Written from the perspective of someone looking into the manger, the children will declare that they see more than a Baby - they see the Savior of the world! The melody is memorable and easy to learn. Sure to be a favorite!

A Mother's Hands

View score View SATB score page 2, page 3
MP3 audioClick here to listen (SATB Christmas text)
MP3 audioClick here to listen (SATB general text)
Dedicated to Ruthie's two daughters when they each became a new mother, this tuneful anthem has a dual text for family celebrations (especially appropriate for Mother's Day) and Christmas. The imagery of a loving mother's hands wiping away a tear, preparing meals, and folding in prayer, lead to the climactic chorus based on Proverbs 31: "...And we will rise up and call her blessed! She is the hand of God in a cold, dark world, and we honor her..." The alternate Christmas text focuses on Mary and how she was an exemplary, godly mother. Available in two voicings.

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

My Heart, Your Bethlehem
View score View score page 6, page 7
MP3 audioClick here to listen
A delicate, yet powerful musical message is tastefully joined with the familiar carol, "O Little Town of Bethlehem" in this heartfelt expression for the Christmas season by David Gaines and Ruth Elaine Schram. A short, optional a cappella section quoting the hymn is artfully woven in to this arrangement. Optional string orchestra parts (by David Dixon) bring additional beauty to this reflective setting. String score and parts or an Accompaniment CD are available separately.

Monarch (Lorenz)
10/2805M - SATB
10/3997L - SAB
30/1762M - String Parts
99/1683M - Accompaniment CD

News in Bethlehem Town
View score View score page 3, page 4, page 5
MP3 audioClick here to listen
This lively anthem by David Davenport and Ruth Elaine Schram will send spirits dancing and set toes to tapping! There is urgency in the melody and this holiday anthem is filled with happy reminders of the joy of Christmas and the miracle and wonder of this season of praise. Some divisi in the ladies part provides lush fullness in the middle section. Don't miss this one!

Night of Wonder, Night of Joy (cover) Night of Wonder, Night of Joy

"Night of Wonder, Night of Joy" is a worship service that celebrates the wondrous miracles surrounding the birth of our Savior, composed by Niel Lorenz and Ruth Elaine Schram with full orchestration by Stan Pethel.

Lasting approximately 35 minutes, the presentation may be as simple as two narrators, or may involve more speakers and/or characters in Biblical costume. Available for SATB or SAB voices.

This dramatic musical experience is certain to fill the hearts of all believers with a sense of wonder and joy in God's goodness to us through the gift of Jesus.

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Night Reverie

In this beautiful choral lullaby for ladies voices, Debussy's gorgeous "Reverie" is artfully woven with the Welsh lullaby "All Through the Night." Your singers will grow musically while learning this dreamy selection which will add an unforgettable moment to your Christmas Worship. "Sleep, dear baby, sleep all through the night..." Suitable for church or school use, perfect for Christmas Eve.

Free MP3 part-by-part rehearsal aids and accompaniments are available from the publisher.

Noel Alleluia

Bright and joyous, this work is custom-tailored for smaller church choirs at Christmas. With flexible part writing that can be presented by SAB or Two-part Mixed choirs, and options for handbells, its inclusion of "O Come, Let Us Adore Him" makes this one-rehearsal anthem especially appealing. Handbell part is included in score for a wonderful "Ring and Sing" holiday anthem!

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

10/4757L - Two-part Mixed / SAB
99/3450L - P/A CD
Noel Masterworks (cover) Noel Masterworks

Classical Masterworks with Christmas Carols arranged by Ruth Elaine Schram, beautifully orchestrated by John Purifoy. This artful blending of classical masterworks with beloved carols creates a unique collection you will use time and again. The five arrangements contained in this collection are useful throughout the Advent and Christmas season.

You may use the selections individually or present them together with the optional narration included in the book for a rich 25-30 minute cantata. Because the pieces are based on well-known classical works, the introductions tend to be longer than usual, allowing time to add your own dramatic presentation if you desire.

more info...

Noel Peace Canon

A simple statement of the beloved "Dona Nobis Pacem" moves effortlessly to the cherished carol "The First Noel" in this striking choral work for Christmas. The two melodies are woven seamlessly into the musical and textual fabric of the anthem. The result is a cry for peace that is welcome in every December musical gathering: in the sanctuary, concert hall, community gathering, or snow-covered street corner. This inspired work is an absolute must!

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

42539 - SATB
46897 - SAB

O Come Little Children
"O Come, Little Children" is paired with "Angels We Have Heard on High" in this arrangement that is equally appropriate for school or church choirs. An open-fifth motive on "Come, come..." adds an element of mystery and hushed anticipation as the children approach the manger and the angels sing above. This is very sweet for choirs at all levels! Accompaniment CD available.

43417 - SATB
43418 - SAB
43419 - 2-part
43420 - SoundTrax CD

O Come to Bethlehem
View score View score page 1, page 2
MP3 audioClick here to listen
Ruth Elaine Schram has a true gift for writing for the needs of today's choirs, and this Christmas choral, which combines original material with two familiar tunes, "O Come, Little Children" and "O Come, All Ye Faithful," is no exception! The setting is just the perfect fit for adult and children's voices, with very nice exchange of melody between them. The solid accompaniment supports the lovely melody while the text summons us all to come to the Christ child. It makes a great opener for both worship services and school programs. An optional string synthesizer part is included in the score, adding just the right touch. A beautiful orchestration by Ruthie's brother, John G. Gage is now available, making this a perfect opener for a Christmas Pageant or your Winter Concert in schools with band and orchestra programs.

Carl Fischer
CM8774 - SATB / Children with strings
CM8774IN - Orchestral Accompaniment
CM8774CD - Accompaniment CD

On This Holy Night
View score View score page 6
This song incorporates "The Coventry Carol" which works in partnership with original words and music to depict the arrival of God's Son to earth on that holy night.   Set in gentle 3/4 time as two part any combination, it may be sung by children's voices, mixed adult voices, senior adults, or youth ensembles.

Once in Royal Bethlehem
Cleverly combining two Christmas favorites, this tender anthem provides the opportunity for a children's choir (or soloist or small ensemble) to open with the melody to "Once in Royal David's City." This transitions seamlessly into "O Little Town of Bethlehem." The optional cello accompaniment helps to set a mood of peace and joy for your Christmas Worship Service.

10/4911L - SATB/Children's Choir
99/3776L - Performance / Accompaniment CD
Once Upon a Starry Night (cover) Once Upon a Starry Night

A delightful Christmas musical for children by John Jacobson and Ruth Elaine Schram. Tells the story of the Savior's birth from the stars' point of view!

more info...

Our Hope For Years to Come

View score View score page 4, page 5
MP3 audioClick here to listen
Culminating with an optional segue to O God, Our Help in Ages Past (St. Anne by William Croft), this anthem provides an engaging and uplifting new melody to the beloved Isaac Watts text. Excellent for New Years, dedication services, or any worship service, the title aptly describes the ennobling spirit of the text and music. Commissioned by the Chancel Choir of the Ascension Lutheran Church, Montgomery, Ohio (David Bezona, director), for the dedication of their new sanctuary.

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

Pacem, Christus Natus Est
View score View SATB score page 1, page 2
MP3 audioClick here to listen (SATB)
Lovely work incorporating the classic canon, "Dona Nobis Pacem."  Each voice part is given the opportunity to sing the canonic melody, interspersed with original words and music by Ruth Elaine Schram.  Available in two voicings, suitable for church or school use.

Heritage (Lorenz)
15/1604H - SATB
15/1613H - Three Part Mixed
99/1581H - Performance / Accompaniment CD

Pat-a-Pan Noel
This fast-paced, energetic and joyful pairing of "Pat-a-Pan" and "Sing We Now of Christmas" is enhanced by both flute and percussion. Available in five voicings to meet the needs of most any ensemble, this dynamic arrangement will create a high point in your holiday worship service or Christmas Pageant. Parts for Hand Drum and Flute are included in score.

Choristers Guild
CGE102 - TB
CGE103 - SSA
CGE04 - Three-part Mixed
CGE105 - Two-Part

Personent Hodie
"On this day earth shall ring with the song children sing. To the Child born a King, sing we alleluia!" This well-known 16th century carol text and melody is embellished in this creative setting. Alternating between Latin and English text, with piano accompaniment and optional 3-octave handbells, this sparkling arrangement is perfect as a processional or from the platform during your Christmas Worship Service. Available in multiple voicings for Adult, Ladies, Men, Youth, or Children's Choirs.

Choristers Guild
CGE190 - SSA
CGE191 - TB
CGE192 - SAB
CGE193 - Two-part
CGECD83 - Performance / Accompaniment CD
Petit Enfant

This arrangement of a lovely French carol may be performed in French or English. With canonic-like imitation throughout, this is a sensitive, haunting, beautiful carol, wonderful for seasonal worship. Flexibly voiced for Two-part Mixed / Optional 3-part Mixed voices (Alto part is optional throughout) with piano accompaniment, this is perfect for small church choral programs, youth choirs, or larger church choirs with minimal rehearsal time.

Free MP3 part-by-part rehearsal aids and accompaniments are available from the publisher.

Prayer for Christmas
View score View score page 2, page 3
MP3 audioClick here to listen
A lovely new text by Ruth Elaine Schram is beautifully set to the classic Englebert Humperdinck melody from "Hansel and Gretel." The string orchestration option (Violin 1 and 2, Viola, Cello, and Double Bass; available digitally from Hal Leonard online) makes for a stunning accompaniment with live players or with the recorded track.

Prayludes for Winter
Church musicians are expected to be flexible, and Ruth Elaine Schram is making that easier than ever in her continuing "Prayludes" series. A "praylude" is a medley of popular hymns, designed to be playable in several lengths, with optional start and stop points throughout. Easy to prepare but musically satisfying and creative, these nine medleys will take you through Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany, to the beginning of a New Year.

A Prelude to Advent

One of Chopin's most profoundly engaging melodies (well known to most piano players) forms the foundation of this fascinating Advent offering. Ruthie creates a meaningful dialogue between a treasured carol and this masterful theme. Chorally satisfying, your singers will connect with its tender beauty, and your congregation will feel anchored to the familiar tune. Help keep your Advent worship meaningful with this new anthem.

Beautifully orchestrated by John Purifoy (originally published in the "Noel Masterworks" collection); both the Chamber Orchestration and an Accompaniment CD are available separately.

The Promised One
View score View score page 1, page 2
MP3 audioClick here to listen
Prayerful song depicting the birth of our promised redeemer.  Word pictures paint the scene, which crescendos into the chorus: "Who would have thought that this was the way the Father would send His Son?  But on this blessed day, we see Him, we hear Him, we touch the Promised One."

The REAL Christmas Story

This could quite possibly be the definitive Christmas Musical for young children! Straight from the Luke 2 passage of the Bible, The REAL Christmas Story becomes the script for this adorable preschool musical, created by Ruth Elaine Schram. Due to an unannounced snowstorm, the grandchildren and their parents are unable to fly to Florida to be with their grandparents for Christmas. With the capability to visit via video chats, the grandparents carry on the family tradition of reading the Christmas story of the birth of Jesus to the grandchildren on Christmas Eve. As each scene of "the Story" of peace, joy, hope and love is read, the children respond with five wonderful songs that are perfectly designed for preschoolers, both in content and musicality. Familiar carols and original songs are upbeat, fun, beautiful and sincere in this 15-minute presentation. Whether presented with the contemporary script of this musical, or with your traditional nativity enactment, these songs and music are sure to be a resource to be used year after year.

The accompaniment CD includes both Stereo and Split-Track formats. Downloadable versions of all products are also available from Lillenas Music online at:

9780834181229 - Book / Script
765762156227 - Kids Practice CDs (pack of 10)
765762193901 - Performance Pack (3 Books & Accomp. CD)
765762156326 - Stereo & Split-Trax Accomp CD

The Rocking Carol (cover) The Rocking Carol
View score View SATB score page 1, page 2
This beautiful Czech carol is a tender song of adoration to the Christ child. Arrangement is available with an optional flute part (or other C-instrument), and is suitable for school or church use.

16272 - SATB (Level Four)
The Rose E'er Blooming

View score View SATB score page 6, page 7
MP3 audioClick here to listen (SATB)
Stunning, transportive Advent anthem that lyrically weaves together "Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming" and "What Child Is This?" to create an unforgettable work. Suitable for Advent, Annunciation of Mary, or services of Lessons and Carols.

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

20941 - SATB (Level Three)
20943 - Unison / Two Part (Level One)
Scandinavian Yuletide

Festive Partner-song arrangement of the Swedish carol "Yuletide is Here Again" and the Danish carol "A Child is Born in Bethlehem" is a nice, joyful change of pace for your young singers during the Christmas season. Set in bright triple meter, the two songs are introduced individually then combine effortlessly to celebrate the birth of the Savior.

Free MP3 part-by-part rehearsal aids and accompaniments are available from the publisher.

See Him in the Manger
View score View score page 1, page 2
MP3 audioListen to an excerpt
This original, rhythmic, upbeat Spiritual by Ruth Elaine Schram will be a change of pace for your Christmas program!  "See Him in the manger, time for joy!   Heaven's love has given us a baby boy.  See Him in the manger, time for praise!  Finally, a Savior after all these days..."

Send the World a Savior
With words and music by John Parker and Ruth Elaine Schram, "Send the World a Savior" is a passionate plea in musical form, capturing the desire of the Advent season. Scored for SATB ensemble with piano accompaniment and an optional Tenor solo, it is a fun and upbeat work, yet remains reverent. With its powerful dynamic contrast and expressive harmonies, it is a beautiful addition to any Holiday program.

Shepherd's Carol
View score View score page 4, page 5
MP3 audioClick here to listen
With gentleness and a sense of awe, this expressive original anthem by Ruth Elaine Schram and her daughter and son-in-law, Celsie and Robert Staggers, tenderly cradles a picturesque text with exquisite tuneful beauty.  A contrasting middle section challenges all to hurry and behold the Savior, then the quietness of the manger returns with a quote from the familiar "O come, let us adore Him."  An optional flute obligato (included in the score) adds a lovely shimmer.

Shepherds! Sing Noel!

A delightful pairing of "Shepherds! Shake Off Your Drowsy Sleep" and "Sing We Now of Christmas" comprise this holiday feature for young male voices. Use the optional tambourine part included in the score to add a festive flavor to this joyful mini-medley!

Free MP3 part-by-part rehearsal aids and accompaniments are available from the publisher.

Shine For You
View score View SATB score page 1, page 2
MP3 audioClick here to listen (SATB)
Hear the stars tell the Christmas story from their point of view!  "...I see the wise men bringing incense and gold to you. Traveling from afar, searching the skies for a star! I will shine for you, if it's all I can do, I will shine for the child of Christmas!..."  Delightful selection for your winter concert, suitable for school or church use.

Silent Night
Ruth Elaine Schram has created an arrangement of extraordinary beauty of the beloved carol . A lush piano accompaniment and cello part add the crowning touches to this wonderful carol setting which is equally appropriate for both school and church use. Cello part included in score; Performance / Accompaniment CD available.

Silent Noel

Originally included in the collection Noel Masterworks, this lovely arrangement of "Silent Night" features strains of Debussy's Clair de Lune in the accompaniment. With a tender and exquisite orchestration by John Purifoy, this much-loved and familiar carol is offered to us in a heartfelt and stunning new light.

Score and parts are available as a digital download at

Hal Leonard
00156621 - SATB
00156622 - ChoirTrax CD
Digital Download - Score and Parts

Silent the Night
Gently moving and extraordinarily beautiful, "Silent the Night" opens with a beautiful original melody by Ruth Elaine Schram, then flows seamlessly in and out of The "Coventry Carol" and "Silent Night, Holy Night." Perfect for Christmas worship and school holiday concerts, it is easily prepared and effectively performed with any of the accompaniment options. (From the cantata "Night of Wonder, Night of Joy" by Niel Lorenz and Ruth Elaine Schram, Orchestrated by Stan Pethel; SATB--65/1999L; SAB--65/2000L)

10/4279L - SATB
10/4280L - SAB
30/2868L - Orchestral Score and Parts
30/2869L - Orchestral CD-Rom
99/3028L - Performance / Accomp. CD

Simply Carols
In this collection of twelve beloved carols, Ruth Elaine Schram has arranged six unison or two-part songs that celebrate the musical traditions of France, England, Ireland, Wales, Germany, and the United States. It boasts supportive piano accompaniments, reproducible song sheets, and an optional fully orchestrated CD recording (orchestrated by Tim Hayden). As an added bonus, reproducible narrations that give historical detail may be printed in your bulletin or added to the program to introduce each carol and create a special program. "Simply Carols" is an outstanding resource for children's and youth choirs, as well as small adult and senior choirs. Suitable for Church, Sunday School programs, or School.

30/2605L - Songbook and P/A CD
30/2606L - Songbook only

Simply Waiting
View score View score page 4, page 5
MP3 audioClick here to listen
A musical and textual depiction of the frustration of "simply waiting," yet having the faith that the Advent promises will be fulfilled. Lots of dynamic contrast and some a cappella measures interspersed with rhythmic piano accompaniment make this anthem a unique and dynamic offering for the Advent season.

Sing Allelu
With one text for Christmas and another for Easter, Ruthie Schram's "Sing Allelu" is a versatile, celebratory anthem. Great for singers of all ages, it is flexibly voiced for Unison / Two part voices with optional Handbells for three octaves. The text is meaningful and the melody memorable throughout. The joyful mood can be supplemented with the use of the optional handbells or handchimes (included in score; also available as a free download from the publisher) which fits wonderfully with the flowing keyboard accompaniment.

10/4037L - Unison / Two-part / opt. Handbells

Sing for Joy!
Another in the continuing series celebrating the candles of Advent, this cheerful anthem shines joy into the sanctuary. A lightly syncopated theme drives the energy of the piece forward, and the simple yet profound message looks toward the birth of Jesus. As is the case with all pieces in this series, the music is well crafted and arranged for the success of your ensemble. Use the easy handbells (2 octaves, included in score) for a special touch!

Sing Joy to the World

The beloved carol by G. F. Handel, set for three part treble voices, is creatively and attractively paired with "Spring" from "The Four Seasons" by Vivaldi in the accompaniment, resulting in a delightful turn of two classics that everyone is guaranteed to enjoy. Equally appropriate for school or church.

Free MP3 part-by-part rehearsal aids and accompaniments are available from the publisher.

Sing Noel to the Baby
This upbeat Christmas spiritual is just plain fun to sing! The very accessible syncopated rhythms fit the text perfectly. Voiced for SATB choir (with some optional divisii) and soloist. Whether sung a cappella or with the piano accompaniment, this choral is sure to add energy and joy to your seasonal programming.

Sing We All Noel
MP3 audioClick here to listen (Two Part Mixed)
MP3 audioClick here to listen (Unison / Two Part)
This joyful medley combines two carol favorites, "Sing We Now of Christmas" and "The First Noel," flexibly arranged for Unison or Two Part voices of all ages. A great choice for children's choirs on Christmas Eve, or for a quickly prepared adult anthem for the busy holidays or the Sunday after Christmas. Optional flute, triangle, and snare drum parts (included in score) add the crowning touch for Christmas worship or concerts! A CD track is also available.

00-24392 - Unison / Opt. Two Part (Level One)
00-24393 - InstruTrax CD

Sing We All Noel
MP3 audioClick here to listen (Three Part Mixed)
This fun, upbeat pairing of two African folk songs (from Ruthie's collection, "It's Christmas Everywhere") is a dynamite choice for your choir of any age during the Christmas holidays. Two sets of lyrics are included, making this perfectly suitable for church or school use. Employing a variety of percussion adds to the fun, and specific suggestions and ideas for use are provided. For mixed or treble voices; delightful accompaniment CD orchestrated by Greg Gilpin. Three-part Mixed / SAB version works with E - C range or F - D range for guys.

Heritage (Lorenz)
15/2981H - SATB / Piano / Percussion
15/2488H - Three-part Mixed / SAB
15/2487H - Two-part
99/2377H - P/A CD

Sing We Two of Christmas
Compiled by Jean Anne Shafferman, this collection of Seasonal songs for Two Equal voices includes Ruthie Schram's beautiful arrangement of "A La Nanita Nana." These flexible duets are a great resource for holiday concert or Advent / Christmas worship. Both parts are scored in the treble clef and can be performed by unchanged treble voices, women's voices, men's voices, or mixed voices. Book includes mixed media CD.

30/2504L - Book/CD Combination

Sleep in Heavenly Peace
View score View SATB score page 1, page 4, page 5
MP3 audioClick here to listen (SATB)
This gorgeous arrangement skillfully intertwines "Silent Night" and "What Child is This?" into an arrangement that is destined to be a classic.   This haunting setting moves back and forth between the two carols before ending softly with "sleep in heavenly peace."  A must for your winter concert!   Perfect for school or church use, with parts for optional guitar, flute and bells included in the score.  An accompaniment track is also available.

18678 - SATB (Level Four)
18679 - SAB (Level Three)
18680 - SSA (Level Three)
18681 - Accompaniment Track

Sleep, Holy Babe
Based upon a relatively unknown carol by John B. Dykes, this lovely arrangement incorporates portions of the beloved "Still, Still, Still," which is always a favorite at Christmas time. This sensitive and accessible setting by Ruth Elaine Schram with its unexpected chord structure will be warmly received in either a church or school setting, and is perfectly suitable for a Christmas Eve service or Winter Concert. With limited range SATB voicing (perfect for smaller choirs or choirs with limited range abilities), Sleep Holy Babe is accompanied by piano with optional flute and glockenspiel.

Carl Fischer
CM9314 - Limited SATB / Piano, Flute, Glockenspiel

Sleep, Precious Child of Mine
View score View score page 5, page 6
Lovely, gentle lullaby to the Christ-child, as sung by Mary and Joseph to her new-born Son. "Sleep, precious child of mine, sleep, holy child divine; all too soon you will be grown, so while you're ours alone, we worship you, our Savior and our Son..."

Sleep, Tiny Child
View score View score page 4, page 5
Christmas lullaby for ladies' voices based on an unexpected pairing of the beautiful Traditional Welsh carol, "All Through the Night," and the gorgeous Traditional English "Coventry Carol," combined with original material by Ruth Elaine Schram.

Starry Night, Noisy Night (cover) Starry Night, Noisy Night

Delightful, charming Christmas Musical by Ruth Elaine Schram and Scott Schram for Grades K - 6 in a budget-stretching all-inclusive Book/CD combination. Filled with humorous references to modern distractions that prevent us from experiencing the true meaning of Christmas, the story is told from the stable animals' point of view. Appropriate for performance by as few as 10 children or many more, flexibly designed with minimal dialogue and many familiar melodies.

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Stars In the Night
View score View score page 1, page 2
MP3 audioClick here to listen
"... and there's a song in the air that's barely there, for a sweet young mother is singing her first lullaby..." As serene and soft as the first lullaby sung to the baby in the manger, this is a very sweet selection for ladies' voices or select children's choirs. The pastoral color of the flute will greatly enhance the effect as your audience listens carefully for this tender message of love at Christmas.

Stay With Me

View score View score page 4, page 5
MP3 audioClick here to listen
This tender anthem eloquently demonstrates God's desire for us to open our hearts to Him. With flowing accompaniment and simple harmonies, this touching setting is accessible for choirs of all skill levels and sizes. Suitable for general use, and due to its references to the promises of Advent, perfect for the Sunday after Christmas as a reminder to keep Jesus in our hearts all year long. "...Stay with me, let me be your counselor (Wonderful Counselor). Stay with me, let me be your God (Mighty God). I know it can seem hopeless, but this is why I came; stay with me, in your heart let me remain..."

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

Still, Still, Still
View score View Two Part score page 4, page 5
MP3 audioClick here to listen (SATB)
Easy to learn but effective arrangement of the familiar German carol, now available for SATB as well as Three Part Mixed or Two Part voices. Suitable for school or church use.

Suo Gan
View score View Three Part Mixed score page 4, page 5
The gorgeous lullaby that has been heard in several commercials has been arranged for young voices, and will be a lovely addition to your holiday concert or festival repertoire.  Available in Three Part Mixed and Two Part voicings.  Suitable for school or church use. Now available in the new "Children of the World" book from Alfred.

Sweet Little Jesus
View score View score page 1, page 2, page 3
MP3 audioListen to an excerpt
Beautiful Christmas lullaby by Gene Grier and Ruth Elaine Schram incorporates "Silent Night" by Josef Mohr and Franz Gruber.  Optional flute or C-instrument part is included in the score.

A Thankful Heart this Christmas
This piece, with its moving text, is a wonderful teaching tool for the Christmas season. "Lord, grant me a thankful heart, an attitude of gratitude; and help me appreciate what's already mine, all the things I wanted before. I've been blessed beyond compare; I have toys and games to spare. And I realize there's just one thing more that I should be asking for: I want a thankful heart this Christmas." This lovely, poignant anthem for children is not to be missed! Accompaniment / Performance CD available.

Shawnee Press
35029274 - Unison
35029266 - Celebration Trax A/P CD

There Is a Rose
View score View score page 1, page 2
"There is a rose, a perfect rose, the prize of heaven's garden; sent down to earth as a tiny Child, to secure our pardon..." This expressive, gentle lullaby is filled with the wonder of Christmas and briefly quotes "Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming."  Lyric vocal and accompaniment lines create an atmosphere of love and worship to the Perfect Rose.  A fine choice for any December service; particularly effective on Christmas Eve.

There's a Song in the Air

The lilting melody and triple meter give the lovely carol "There's a Song in the Air" (by Josiah Holland and Karl Harrington) a tender quality that is enhanced by Ruthie's setting, which is full of lovely harmonic nuance. The text images are sheer poetry, focusing on the nativity and the message that Mary's babe is King of kings. The flexible SATB / SAB voicing makes it easily prepared for Christmas Eve, Christmas, or Christmastide. Optional Flute Part adds a crowning touch and is included in the score.

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

10/4226L - SATB/SAB / Flute
99/2975L - Performance / Accomp. CD
Touch of an Angel (cover) Touch of an Angel

This Christmas musical is perfect for children's choirs, Christian schools or Sunday schools.

Throughout time, the touch of an angel has changed people, events and even the course of history. In the Christmas story, God used angels to change the lives of ordinary people with extraordinary news, extraordinary missions and extraordinary blessings. All of these people - Zechariah, Elizabeth, Joseph, Mary, the shepherds and the magi - were changed forever by the touch of an angel.

more info...

Underneath Starry Skies
Gorgeous word painting sets the mood for the first Christmas night: "underneath starry skies, shepherds are watching their flocks by night, angels are singing as they are taking flight, and all are invited to greet the new baby in a stable in Bethlehem." Tenderly tucked in the middle of this piece is the traditional Welsh carol All Through the Night, giving the listener a taste of the familiar within this stunning original. An elegant piano accompaniment supports this memorable piece which is equally suitable for church or school settings and voiced for mixed or treble ensembles.

Unto Us

View score View SATB score page 4, page 5
MP3 audioClick here to listen (SATB)
Beautiful, uplifting work for Christmas based on Isaiah 9:6. "Unto us, a Son is given; unto us, a Child is born. Unto us, a touch of heaven has appeared in human form ... Unto us, Jesus! Unto us, the Son of God!" Suitable for any size choir with supportive piano accompaniment.

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

Upon a Midnight Clear (cover) Upon a Midnight Clear

Come to Bethlehem and relive that midnight clear when "the world in solemn stillness lay to hear the angels sing." In this 35-minute Christmas musical, veterans John Purifoy and Ruth Elaine Schram have captured the joy of Christmas in dynamic and tender musical moments. The work begins with the beautiful "Stand Still and Wait" by Cynthia Clawson, and gracefully carries us from Advent to the birth of our Savior.

The narration (by Mark Cabaniss) incorporates brief character monologues that give an account of their role on that first Christmas night long ago, bringing it to life in vivid tones. Optional congregational participation is included, as well as the optional incorporation of children's voices. Add the simple, optional staging and candlelight touches to create an unforgettable Christmas worship experience for your church and community.

Exquisite orchestration by Ed Hogan; Accompaniment CD available as well as part-dominant rehearsal aids.

Watch the Digital Reading Session with Mark Cabaniss, John Purifoy, and Ruth Elaine Schram here!

more info...

Alfred / Jubilate
44526 - SATB
44527 - Preview Pack
44528 - Rehearsal CDs (2)
44529 - Listening CD
44530 - InstruTrax CD
44531 - Bulk CD pack
44532 - Orchestration Score and Parts CD-Rom

Venite Adoremus, Gesu Bambino
View score View score page 7, page 8
MP3 audioClick here to listen
An arrangement of rare beauty! Adeste Fideles and Gesu Bambino are woven together seamlessly, resulting in a stunning choral that is truly greater than the sum of its parts. There is some Latin, but most of the text is English, and the accompaniment with optional flute part (included in score) contributes its own voice as it supports the glorious sound of the voices. Church choirs everywhere will be performing this for years to come!

Waiting For Emmanuel
View score View score page 3, page 4, page 5
MP3 audioClick here to listen
The plaintive melody and text of this lovely Advent offering are surrounded by piano and optional cello part (included in score). Describing familiar Biblical characters, as well as all of us who wait for the arrival of a Savior "...each with a need that only He could fill..." An excellent choice for Advent and Christmas.

Waiting for the Star
Here is another creative gem from the pen of Ruth Elaine Schram, appropriate for Advent, Christmas or Epiphany. The Latin style, supported by keyboard accompaniment and optional parts for tambourine and shaker, seems to be a perfect fit with the engaging text. Your choir will love to sing this piece and your congregation will love to hear it!

View score View SATB score page 1, page 2, page 3
MP3 audioListen to an excerpt
Waiting! is a jubilant Advent anthem with gently syncopated rhythms that evoke an energetic "island" flavor.  For an added festive touch, it may be performed with percussion instruments (claves, cowbell, sandblock and bongos; instrumental pack available separately) or with the accompaniment track.  Instrumentation by L. C. Harnsberger.

18375 - SAB (Level Two)
18378 - Instrumental Pack

Waiting, Wandering, Wondering
Ideal for the season of waiting, this haunting Advent anthem is for any combination of Two Part voices. Using simple part writing, this piece is accessible to Adult Mixed Ensembles or Treble Choirs who are developing their part-singing ability. Attention to dynamic contrasts will assure a meaningful presentation of this original composition. Performance / Accompaniment CD available.

C 5910 - Two-Part Any Combination
C 5910C - P/A CD

Walking to Bethlehem
View score View score page 1, page 2
MP3 audioClick here to listen
Thoughtful text by Lynne Wolfe-Richards and Ruth Elaine Schram is perfect for the Advent season or just before Christmas.  The walking tempo supports the theme of the song, which follows Mary and Joseph on their way to Bethlehem.  "...No one pays attention to this couple on the street; just another family with weary feet. No one knows the child that she is carrying will be our Messiah..."

Watch Now
View score View score page 3, page 4
MP3 audioClick here to listen
Contemplative Advent anthem (loosely based upon Mark 13:35-36 and Psalm 121:4) admonishes us to watch for the gift of God's Son, because we do not want to be sleeping when He comes. Bridge section ponders when He might arrive, giving this part of the song a lovely, poetic lift depicting the various times of day. Fluid piano accompaniment supports the voices which alternate between rich four part harmony, then going back and forth between men and women on melody. Set in minor mode, a longer than usual (7 measures) piano introduction sets the introspective mood of the piece. Beginning softly, it builds to its apex then ends softly, with the voices echoing the dramatic and anticipatory scripture: "Watch now, for you know not when He comes."

We Seek the Tiny King

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This gem is an optimal anthem for Epiphany. Often observed on a Sunday when choir numbers are low or rehearsal options are limited, this partner song works splendidly for choirs small and large. After its introduction, the new and original song is partnered with the familiar "We Three Kings of Orient Are." Flexible, practical and inspirational.

Customized Instrumental Accompaniment is available for this choral work! Click here for more info.

Were You There in Bethlehem?
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This expressive anthem suitable any time during the Christmas season incorporates portions of the beloved spiritual, "Were You There?" woven with original words and music. Poetic imagery gently paints the scene, building up to the dramatic chorus:   "...If I had been there in Bethlehem, with heart full of wonder, I would have welcomed Him; If I had seen Him, touched Him, held Him..." Optional flute part included in the score adds to the beauty of this piece. Highly effective for Christmas Eve services. Accompaniment track is available.

The Wexford Carol
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Ruth Elaine Schram's arrangement of the gorgeous carol is exquisite for ladies' voices and suitable for church or school use. "...In Bethlehem, upon that morn, there was a babe so wondrous, born..."

The Wexford Carol

The gorgeous Irish carol has been paired with the familiar "Venite adoremus Dominum" chorus from "The Snow Lay on the Ground" to create a lovely Christmas offering for treble voices. Optional flute and cello parts add a crowning touch to this exquisite selection that is suitable for church and school settings.

Performance/Accompaniment CD available.

Heritage (Lorenz)
15/3031H - SSA / Piano / Flute & Cello
15/3032H - Two-part / Piano/ Flute & Cello
99/3073H - Performance/Accompaniment CD

What a Beautiful Savior
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Ruth Elaine Schram unexpectedly incorporates the familiar (and usually non-seasonal) hymn "Fairest Lord Jesus" by Schlesische Volkslieder and Joseph A. Seiss into this lovely anthem suitable for Christmas Eve, Christmastide, or any time during the Christmas season. Your choir can make use of the full range of dynamics in order to emphasize the power of the message; the song begins at mp, swells to f, and ends softly, gently, contemplatively.  Voiced flexibly for two part with optional harmony to the original melody; perfect for treble voices, mixed voices, senior adults, ladies choirs, or any age and combination.

What Are You Dreaming Of?
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This delightful piece by Ruthie Schram lifts aspirations for a special Christmas moment for young voices with her precious song which partners "Silent Night" with an enchanting new original work. A wonderful teaching piece for choirs beginning to learn part-singing, yet eloquent enough to captivate choirs capable of harmony.

Shawnee Press
E5531 - Two Part Treble
MD5605 - LiteTrax Accompaniment CD

What Child Is This
MP3 audioClick here to listen (SSA)
This gorgeous setting of the beloved carol is set for SSA voices. By featuring two clarinets, Ruthie has created a hauntingly beautiful and unique Middle Eastern aura. Optional lyrics are included to make it equally suitable for school use as well.

Who Is This Child?
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Versatile arrangement incorporating "What Child is This?" (words by William C. Dix; 16th century English melody) arranged for two part voices with optional third part, suitable for mixed choirs, children's voices, ladies voices, or senior adults. Original words and music by Ruth Elaine Schram work in partnership with the well-loved carol. Perfect for Christmas or Epiphany.

Who Is This Tiny King?
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MP3 audioClick here to listen (SATB)
"Who is this child in the manger in Bethlehem? ... Who is this tiny King?" Easy to learn work begins with the question which is then answered "His Name is Jesus." Rhythmic and upbeat, this will be the highlight of your Christmas or winter program!

Will You Make Room?
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Reflecting on the many things that make Christmas so special, the writing team of David S. Gaines and Ruth Elaine Schram asks, "Will you make room for the Christ-child, a home for Him on earth? Will you make room for the Spirit as He brings new birth? Will you make room in your life for love's pure light to shine?..."  Poignant and filled with sentiment, this anthem moves quietly through a mood of introspection, and briefly quotes portions of "Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne." (The entire hymn is printed on the back of the anthem if you wish to incorporate it into the anthem or your worship service.)  Effective any time during Advent or Christmas.

Wondrous, Holy Night
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Lovely anthem depicting the miracles on the night Christ was born. "...On the night of Jesus' birth, when the Savior came to earth, humankind was shown its worth in a new and glorious light..."

Yoo Yoo (Baby Won't Sleep)
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Give your men a Sunday off during the busy holidays, or give your ladies an extra special moment in the worship service! This gentle Ruth Elaine Schram setting of a lovely Kenyan folk song is an opportunity to give your ladies a chance to tenderly tell the story of the Christ child in the manger. "...Star shine falling, brighter than day; shepherds calling, joyful are they. Tucked among the cattle and sheep, no wonder baby won't sleep!" Suitable for church or school use.

You Are the Reason
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The tender three-part setting of this simple, eloquent text is the perfect musical way to warmly welcome the newborn Savior. Graciously supported by a flowing keyboard accompaniment, this gentle piece will be particularly useful for Advent services.

How Does Your Garden Grow John Jacobson Performance Cd


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