
Where Did The Anime Wow Come From

Expect, I love the lore ofGlobe of Warcraft as much as whatever living human being being.

I take spent sleepless nights trying to resolve contradictory threads inWoW's story. I was the guy who pointed out the Anima Golems and other Mogu Anima constructs and how they bear a resemblance to how the Well of Eternity was the life blood of Azeroth itself, which seems to be related to the Anima we're going to come across inShadowlands. What I'thou getting at is that I am probably unhealthily obsessed with making virtually everything fit into the lore — I'm obsessive nearly it.

So when I tell you that it admittedlydoes not matter if in that location has always been a atypical mention of Blood Elves having dark skin similar to the pare tone of real, living humans, I say this with accented conviction. Not only does the lore equally established just say that the ancestors of Blood Elves lost their Night Elf skin tones when they left Kalimdor, it never once says what skin tones they gained as they inverse. Furthermore,even if information technology did, here's the matter about lore inWorld of Warcraft — it's amass.

Amass ways a whole collected from several parts, often contradictory ones. In the case ofWarcraft, what it comes down to is this — Loftier Elves existed first, and we saw them inWarcraft 2. The entireorigin of High Elves — that they were the followers of Dath'Remar Sunstrider, a Highborne who tried to convince the Kaldorei to comprehend the cabalistic and who was exiled for it — wasn't introduced until much afterward. TheKaldorei didn't be untilWarcraft 3. The Highborne, the War of Ancients — these were invented later on to explain the High Elves and how they concluded up on the Eastern Kingdoms. The lore ofWarcraft has been built up piecemeal over decades, with new lore introduced to explain and expand upon the quondam.

So evenif there were established, canonical lore that says that there are no dark-skinned Claret Elves — which I do non believe there is — information technology doesn't thing. Globe of Warcraft has e'er been a game where lore exists to serve gameplay, and if Blizzard wants to make it then that players can play night-skinned Claret Elves, the lore could hands change to accommodate them if information technology had to, which to my knowledge it does not.

It doesn't demand justifaction

Why has this change been fabricated? Considering some players want it. That's it. That'due south the whole reason. Players have said from the beginning they desire more character customization. This is Blizzard giving it to them. That's information technology. This is a gameplay conclusion, and it isn't 1 that requires a lore explanation. Choose to believe whatever y'all take to — believe there have ever been darker skinned Blood Elves (and High Elves), believe information technology'south a recent mutation, believe it'due south a sign of Claret Elves overcoming their magic addiction if that'south an enjoyable story for you. There is no reason that Blizzard should bother to exercise anything to justify this, because the reasonWoW hasn't had this upwardly to now isn't lore based, it's just that the game didn't have plenty graphic symbol customization options. They're not going to get and put an entire Wildhammer Dwarf starting area to justify why your playable Dwarf has Wildhammer tattoos. You have them — tell any story you like. The game is going to facilitate you, not mandate to you.

The fact is, whenWarcraft was created, information technology was a thinly veiledWarhammer pastiche. I mean, they literally designed it tobe a licensedWarhammer game, and then didn't become to do that, so they made it a split matter. It's had to make up its own lore as information technology went, and the people working on information technology didn't stop to recollect well-nigh why all their Elves were super sticky. But now at that place'southward a chance for the game to include them, and so I say, why not?

I've seen a lot of people getting very upset that there are dark-skinned Blood Elves now, which just baffles me. Blizzard is giving united states more options. That's it. They're not going to end and justify in lore why they're doing this. They're but going to do it and we're going to have more options to make our characters stand out and really feel more like they're our characters, which is to my mind all to the good. It doesn't contradict any established lore, but even if it did, they should absolutely practice it anyhow. If it makes players enjoy their gameplay more to make their Elf, or Human, orwhatever look more like they exercise? It'southward a good decision and it's one I support.


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