
How Much Medicine Is Tested On Animals

FDA (Food and Drug Administration)—A federal agency whose mission is to promote and protect the public health by helping safe and constructive products accomplish the market in a timely mode and monitoring products for continued prophylactic later they are in use.

Fiftyaboratory animals are not merely crucial in understanding diseases; they are besides essential in evaluating the safety of drugs, vaccines, food additives, household products, workplace chemicals, cosmetics, water and air pollutants, and many other substances. The Food and Drug Assistants (FDA) oversees this process for drug, vaccine, food additive, and corrective safety testing. Other agencies like the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the Environmental Protection Bureau, and the Occupational Rubber and Health Administration regulate other types of testing.


In 1933, more than a dozen women were blinded and one woman died from using a permanent mascara called Lash Lure. Lash Lure contained p-phenylenediamine, an untested chemic. At the fourth dimension, in that location were no regulations to ensure the rubber of products. The p-phenylenediamine caused horrific blisters, abscesses, and ulcers on the face, eyelids, and eyes of Lash Lure users, and it led to blindness for some. In 1 case, the ulcers were and so severe that a adult female developed a bacterial infection and died.

For corrective products, the FDA requires that all manufacturers bear witness the safety of their products. This requirement applies to some makeups, perfumes, shampoos, soaps, hair sprays and dyes, and shaving cream. For many years, the but way to examination the safe of products was on animals. However, during the 1980s, many culling condom tests were developed that did not use animals, reducing the number of animals used for corrective testing by 90%. Though the number of animals used for corrective testing has been profoundly reduced, in that location are withal some products like sunscreens, antidandruff shampoos, fluoride-containing toothpastes, and anti-acne creams that cannot be proven safe without the use of animal testing because they contain ingredients that crusade a chemic change in the body that could potentially be harmful. Without these rubber tests, it would be impossible to ensure that these products are safe for your use.

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ANTIBACTERIAL—a chemical that kills or inhibits the growth of leaner.


Alternative testing methods are developed to replace, reduce, and refine beast employ and to improve the accuracy of tests for predicting human health or environmental hazards. An example of an alternative testing method is an assay that uses in vitro jail cell cultures to determine whether chemicals will burn down or damage the skin. These alternative tests are developed by scientists in companies, universities, and regime laboratories. They are and then evaluated past the Interagency Analogous Commission on the Validation of Alternative Methods (ICCVAM), to ensure that the alternative test tin accurately determine whether a product is unsafe. ICCVAM recommendations on alternative testing methods for toxicology are used by federal agencies to update testing regulations and guidelines. The European Union has a similar organization, the European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods, which develops and evaluates new alternatives to beast testing.


A few years after the Lash Lure incident, some other tragedy involving untested products occurred. A drug company in Tennessee decided to develop a liquid form of a sulfa drug (antibacterial) that would entreatment to children. This drug company took a well-tested sulfa drug, mixed it with a sweetness-tasting liquid that children would like, and sold it as "Elixir Sulfanilamide." Unfortunately, the drug company did not test the safe of Elixir Sulfanilamide before putting it on shop shelves. The pleasant-tasting liquid in Elixir Sulfanilamide contained ethylene glycol, a sweetness-tasting poison that is the main ingredient in antifreeze. Ethylene glycol poisoning causes the kidneys to fail so that toxins and fluid are non excreted from the body. Somewhen, the amount of toxin build-upwardly is so swell that it over-whelms the body and causes expiry. Elixir Sulfanilamide killed 107 people, mostly children, before it was pulled from store shelves.

TOXICOLOGY—The study of the poisons and their furnishings on living organisms.

The Lash Lure and Elixir Sulfanilamide tragedies led to the passage of the Nutrient, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938. This human activity provided government oversight of consumer product safety and enforceable food standards and mandated that a drug company must prove to the FDA that a drug is condom before it can exist sold to the public.

As the Elixir Sulfanilamide incident shows, information technology is important to examination the condom of all drugs before they are sold to the public. Unfortunately, children around the world continue to be poisoned with ethylene-glycol-containing medicines in countries where drug testing is not as controlled equally in the United States. Most recently:

Contempo deaths among children due to ethylene-glycol-containing medicines:

47 died in Nigeria—1990

200 died in Bangladesh—1992

88 died in Haiti—1996

33 died in India—1998


Drug safety testing is a complicated procedure that involves many different steps to ensure the highest level of rubber.


The first stride in developing and testing a new drug is preclinical research. Initially, scientists consult the vast corporeality of published data and databases to obtain as much groundwork information as possible. If necessary, they perform studies to determine which germ, virus, chemical, or other cistron causes a disease. And then the mechanisms of the disease are studied and new drugs are adult and evaluated for effectiveness and side effects using jail cell culture and whole animal models. Fifty-fifty though scientists minimize the number of animals used by testing drugs in jail cell culture whenever possible, it is still of import to exam drugs in animals. For example, the first antibacterial agent, prontosil, has no result on bacteria in culture; but when prontosil is given to a mouse, it is cleaved downwards past the liver into the antibacterial drug sulfanilamide. Before the discovery of antibacterial agents (like prontosil and other antibiotics), many bacterial infections such equally pneumonia were fatal. If prontosil had been tested only in jail cell culture, the utilise of this sulfa drug would not take been discovered.


Once a drug is shown to be effective in animals and to have a low incidence of side effects, it proceeds to safety assessment testing. These tests are conducted to evaluate drug safety in two dissimilar animal species, with animals receiving high doses of the new drug for xxx or 90 days. Animals are advisedly monitored for side effects. After the report catamenia, pathologists examine their organs for signs of drug toxicity. This drug condom testing in animals is carried out nether guidelines mandated past law through the FDA. It is the final safety testing performed earlier the drug is given to people for clinical testing.

PRECLINICAL RESEARCH—medical research performed in laboratories using cell culture or animals.

PATHOLOGIST—a medical skilful, usually a physician, who studies the effects of a disease or chemical on the body.

You lot may wonder why two unlike fauna species are used for testing at this stage. The reason is that no fauna is exactly like a person in every way. A drug may not be toxic to rats but may be toxic to guinea pigs, and, past using two different species, the chances are greater that the toxicity of a drug will be discovered before information technology is always given to a person.

This stage of rubber testing unremarkably takes about iv years. Drug companies test for mutagenicity (ability to cause genetic changes) and carcinogenicity (power to cause cancer). The drugs are also tested to confirm that they exercise non cause infertility (inability to accept children) or nascency defects. This stage of safety testing takes many years, because information technology may accept a long period of time for animals to develop cancer or infertility as a outcome of a toxic drug.


If no problems ascend during preclinical testing, the drug company applies to the FDA for an Investigational New Drug Application, which authorizes the drug visitor to administer a new drug to people for clinical testing.

Stage I TRIALS—A new drug is administered to a modest number of normal, salubrious human being volunteers to study its activeness and to monitor potential toxicity in people. If successful, Phase I trials lead to…

CLINICAL TESTING—drug testing done in humans.

FEN-PHEN—a weight-loss treatment composed of two drugs, fenfluramine and phentermine. Patients taking fen-phen were constitute to have a higher than normal incidence of middle valve defects.

Stage II TRIALS—These are limited studies in which the drug is administered to patients with the disease to found proper dosages and to give some indication of effectiveness. If successful, Stage Two trials atomic number 82 to…

Stage 3 TRIALS—Large multicenter studies enroll thousands of patients to test the drug'due south effectiveness and to continue to monitor for any side effects. If Phase III trials confirm the drug is safe and effective, it is approved by the FDA.

PHASE Iv (Post-MARKETING SURVEILLANCE)—After the drug is on the market place, the drug maker and FDA continue to monitor for side effects. Because of genetic multifariousness among humans, information technology is possible that a new drug will cause adverse effects in simply a small grouping of genetically like people, which may not have been apparent during clinical trials. As the new drug is given to more and more people, careful monitoring is necessary to avoid this possibility. Drugs are taken off the marketplace if postmarketing surveillance reveals previously undetected side effects.

Clinical testing is complex and fourth dimension-consuming, averaging xiv years to complete Stage I through III testing to proceeds FDA approval. Sometimes, drugs volition fail in clinical tests because the brute tests did not accurately predict their effects in humans. Oftentimes people wonder why it takes so long to develop a new drug and why sometimes a drug handling (similar fen-phen, which may crusade heart valve impairment) is non found to be dangerous until later on information technology is sold to the public. Retrieve about all the different possibilities that demand to be explored, such every bit:

Does the drug crusade a dangerous reaction when mixed with whatsoever other prescription or over-the-counter drug?

Is the drug safe for pregnant women, children, and the elderly and at what dosage?

Does the drug cause birth defects or subtle learning disabilities that may not be discovered until a kid is in school?

Does the drug cause cancer, which may take xx years to develop?

Is in that location a small-scale number of patients who are genetically more susceptible than average to side effects?

Sidebar: "Cruelty Complimentary"—What Does It Hateful?

Many people look for cosmetics that are labeled "cruelty gratis" or "not tested on animals." Merely "cruelty free" does not always mean the cosmetic was not tested on animals. Because the government has non legally defined "cruelty free," it can mean many different things. While well-nigh cosmetic companies that label their products "cruelty free" employ alternative safety tests that do not employ animals, "cruelty gratis" can also hateful:

  • — the terminal production was not tested on animals, simply the ingredients were individually tested on animals.

  • — the manufacturer did non test the corrective on animals, but the company that supplied the ingredients did examination the ingredients on animals.

  • — the animal testing was washed by a different company.

  • — the animal testing was done in a foreign country.

  • — the animal testing was done more than 5 years ago.

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If you would like to find out whether a product was tested on animals, you can contact the manufacturer and ask them to ascertain their "cruelty free" label. You tin also await for the Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics logo. Products with this logo are marketed by companies that take agreed to not conduct or commission animal tests or use any ingredient that is tested on animals ( This pledge is backed up by independent audits to ensure neither the production or its private ingredients is tested on animals.


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